Mew everyone, sorry it has been so long since my last diary entry. We've been very busy lately. In fact, I have some very sad news to tell you, which is part of the reason why I'm so late updating this diary. One of our ferral kittens went to the rainbow bridge August 2nd. The day before, meowmie found the gray kitten with what seemed to be a broken leg. He was walking around okay but dragging one hind leg and not putting any weight on it. He actually allowed her to pick him up and help him. She got him to drink milk and water, but he refused food. But he purred to her and tried to mew. He opened his mouth but no sound came out. She went crazy going around trying to find help for him. But it seems in our area, nobody cares. Volunteer Services for Animals would not do anything. They said meowmie should call the local police and have them pick him up and put him to sleep. Meowmie told them she wanted him healed and given a home and they told her nobody would take a kitten that needed alot of vet expenses. Our vet was unavailable for emergencies. Nobody would do anything. And our next door neighbor heartlessly told meowmie to put the kitty in a bag and take it to the pound when she asked her for help! :( Hiss Spit! Sadly for our poor kitten, he must have been hurt more than meowmie knew about because the next evening when she came home from grocery shopping and went to look in on him (she was keeping him on the back porch, he wasn't near any of us), he had gone to the bridge. Meowmie cried and cried. Mewhoo!!!!!!! :'( We think when he had tried to mew to her the last time she saw him, that he was telling her thank you and good bye. :'( The worst part is the fact that nobody around here even cared to help. Meowmie would have gladly paid his vet bill if the vet had been available. But it wasn't to be. Meowmie now thinks maybe he fell off the roof where he liked to sleep alot of the time, and got internal injuries and internal bleeding we didn't know about. There were no visible wounds. Only an injured leg that hung there was showing, and there were no wounds or bleeding anywhere she could see. She examined him all over. So he must have hurt himself inside when he fell. :( (Nobody saw him fall, but this is what we think, since we saw them all on the roof many times.) Please pray for our poor little ferral kitten who was only a few months old and hardly got a chance to live. He's now out of pain at the rainbow bridge. Another sad note, the ferral kitten that resembled Pepe has been missing for over a month, and his/her brother has been missing since August 18th. Meowmie thinks something awful happened to them. They used to be here every day and now she hasn't seen them any more. :( Meowmie wanted to keep one, so she's quite disappointed that they have disappeared. They may be at the bridge, too. We hope not! But we don't know and may never know for sure. So we only have one kitten and their momma cat left alive. :( But I have also got some good news. The remaining kitten is letting meowmie touch it now!!!!! The kitten, gray and white in color, let meowmie start petting him after she fed him by hand some roast beef and some chicken a few days ago. Then after his littermates disappeared, he seemed to be mourning for them and started rubbing on meowmie's legs and hands and letting her pick him up and hold him!!!!!! He has been coming and looking in the screen door for her to come out and feed him. He rubs on her and purrs. She has decided that next month when she has some money again, she's going to make arrangements to take him (it's a boy) to the vet to get examined and shots and all that, and then she's going to clean him up of the fleas he's got and bring him in with us (after he gets a clean bill of health from the vet, of course). She wants to adopt him. He's a sweet kitten, from what she says, and she wants him. So it looks like we might be getting a new brother soon! Keep your paws crossed that he's healthy and doesn't have anything bad that could hurt us. She won't take him if he has anything like that feline leukemia or whatever it is they can't cure. So let's hope he's fine! :) In the meantime, meowmie's not taking any more chances on losing him. She has locked him up inside our back porch with food, water, and a litter box, plus a toy ball for him to play with. And she won't let him outside alone again! Hurray! That's the news for now on the ferral family. I'll keep you posted on what's happening.
In other news, Keedie, SnowPuff, Tang, and I have graduated from CLAW University (August 19th) with 4 masters degrees and 2 doctorates each! We're very proud. We'll put up a page with our diplomas on it as soon as possible, so you can all see them. See you next time!
Purrs and Love, Misty Beebe
Alley Cat midi music written by Bjorn copyright 1963 by Radio Corporation of America. No infringement of rights intended. This is a free personal webpage. No money is made on the use of anything here. Email: if you have any problem with my using this song, and I will remove it or make arrangements to use it with permission. I could not find out whether this song copyright is current or is now in the public domain. No information was available. Midi music courtesy of Coby's World. Thank you to those responsible for helping me get this song on my webpage!